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Pet Portrait and Wildlife Artist

I believe animals always are willing to provide us with a profound message. It's up to us to listen
Show your love for wildlife 

I am a self-taught artist that specializes in photo-realistic wildlife. I believe the subjects I choose for my artwork portray the beauty and majestic beings of  our wildlife world.


Through my artwork, I would hope that it may touch your inner spirit and you find strength, hope, and joy. 


I have prints for sale and original pieces in the art store. Check back often to see my newest artwork.






Newest Works

To order artwork and Prints

Art Store

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Meet The Staff


Rex Reichert my awesome marketing manger and partner.

He is so supportive and is always showing my art and always bring me work.

Let me tell you, if he was a car salesman. He would sell you your own car. He missed his calling. lol


Snickers Reichert is the newest member of the Reichert family. She is in training to be head of security. We have confidence she will be above all expectations.

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